Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dear Ex-best Friend

Dear Ex-Best Friend

We met in High School around 2004 and we hit it off instantly, you were my first real gay friend I could tell anything to and you were the best company at that time. We were always there for each other, we fought each others battles and we were deeply involved with each other's fact you were one of the few people my grandmother approved of and it felt good to have that confirmation from the Boss Lady.

We Matriculated together and you were the one who convinced me to go to Johannesburg with you, in actual fact I remember not being too sure if I could make that leap seeing as that I had never left Cape Town or my grandmother before and this also meant I would actually be alone without supervision, not much work experience and about less than R3000 in my pocket, however we made it work and I was fine because you were my bestie and we were doing this together.

Before Johannesburg there were certain episodes we went through, you always chose to direct your anger towards the nearest person and that sadly used to be me, however as your friend I took it upon myself to console you...If we ever went out and I happened to like a guy by the end of the night he was on your arm and I let that always slide, no one can be blamed for that but that's where I started noticing a trend. Believe it or not I stopped being jealous after the third time you did this because I got to know the guys you were involved with and we too became friends, the problem was when you broke up with them, it was usually because you felt victimized by them or that they weren't right for you, I'll admit, as the person that used to have both views of the relationship there were times when they were wrong and most times when YOU were wrong but never admitted to it.

Our stay in JHB was pleasant until your mother came and lived with us, she turned you around completely, she blamed me for so many untrue things and the worst part is that you believed me – back then I was grateful for that but it was also the beginning of the end because you chose sides and unfortunately for our friendship more events took place which made us drift apart emotionally and on a friendship level.

The day our friendship ended a new one began and still is in place, I'm not saying any of this to spite you but to make it clear that although you still blame me for the greatest decision in both our lives it worked out for the best in my opinion, all these events were leading up to that day, tears were shed...In all honesty you have a lot of growing up to do but I wish you well in all your endeavors...I'm not the bad person you've told people I am...I was just a better friend in the end.

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