Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Farm Weekend

This past weekend I was at a gorgeous farm in Yservontein and it was the perfect getaway...There was no electricity but that's where the fun is, it was the perfect balance of peace and quiet.

From the Friday night myself and a mate had come down with the common cold and had sniffles so we had mutually agreed that going anywhere was not going to be a possibility and stayed in to recover however we did get to sit out and have some casual conversation whilst the radio blared in the background - strategically tuned to 567 FM by my friend.

Saturday was a glorious day that we decided to do a little tour of the town and it was absolutely amazing, I got to see some of the beach and caught sight of some HOT surfers down the way, I admit I was a little unhappy with all the seashells I had to walk over as my shoes weren't accustomed to nature but it all worked out in the end! I even got over my fear of heights and climbed over low rocks to strike a pose! In the evening it was all set...we were going to the bar to mingle with the locals and it was a HOOT! Being that I was probably the only black BEAUTIFUL guy seen there may have come as a little bit of a surprise to me strangely because they weren't too bovvered with lil ole me :)

Sadly with all good things they must come to a tragic end and it's with a heavy heart that I write today because I discovered something whilst there and that was the freedom to allow my mind to explore different things, see different things and discover another side to myself I didn't think existed, every now and again we need to get away and just let nature take care of the rest. I do encourage that more people try to do this from time to time, the city is exciting and all but there's more in being Dora the Explorer and exposing yourself to the colors of the wind than the wind-machine at Crew Bar (just saying)...

With love...

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