Friday, May 24, 2013

To be...or not to be Part 1

I'm sure many of you have asked yourselves the question "when is it MY turn"? I know I have.

I'll be honest, when I was about 5 years old (typical age everyone discovers this) I used to take my little radio while my grandmother was working and tune it to the Indian Radio Station and copy what they sang or did and for a while that's all I listened to...I was in my own happy world and before long I tried singing...Now as a child I didn't quite know if the sound that came out of my mouth was singing as yet and this was put to the test the day I met one of my soulmates mother and I sang the Titanic Theme Song for them, for me it was an interesting moment and a huge turn-around for me.

Of course with this newfound talent I wasn't always confident the rest of the world thought I could sing so I turned to my next love which was acting! And for many years to come since childhood I had enrolled in a lot of plays and decided that my singing would be a hobby instead which backfired on me because as I grew, so did the love and sound and it became a lot more known than I really wanted it to be.

As a kid I was sensetive to what people said around me and most of what I used to hear was "get a job and get your head out of the clouds" or "singing won't put food on your plate,forget about it", of course I had my support system and I loved them more for their encouragement but I was really more interested in what people I didn't know had to say and why, which I think is a mistake most of us make, no matter how much our loved ones try we sometimes tend to listen to the world instead.

Stay tuned for my 2nd installment of this story coming soon...

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